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Farm 403, Lancashire, Nharira, Chikomba district, Chivhu, Zimbabwe


The current production of 19 litres per cow per day by the 2021 Small Scale winner (Esther) Marwa supports the growth plan on rebuilding the milk dairy sector, strengthening and expanding the dairy rehabilitation programme.

Vangelis Peter Haritatos - Deputy Minister

Aliquam quis sapien nisi. Morbi sapien augue, malesuada non quam eget, consectetur maximus dolor. Nunc interdum purus nulla, quis interdum ligula consequat vitae. Proin placerat, neque quis convallis eleifend, ante urna mattis nunc, facilisis pulvinar turpis leo nec odio. Proin semper erat a arcu varius.

Bobby Young - Ceo of Mart

A newcomer in dairy production, within this period, Marwa has risen to be one of the top milk producers within the cooperative, producing at least 95 litres of milk a day.

Munhamo Chisvo - Team Leader